Third month in a row, I have decided to participate in #hepicksmypolish! You can read up on the challenge in my past posts, but you have a "he" in your life pick out polishes for a nail design for you to do and you have to use them. My husband has been kind to me in the past, but this time, he chose a more difficult combination. He chose Sinful Colors In the Spotlight, Color Club Sunrise Canyon and Essie Fiji. This is what I came up with:
Definitely not what I would have picked, but it wasn't as disastrous as I thought it was going to be. My husband says I cheated because I didn't use the pink as much as I should have. Whatever, there is no percentage requirement! This was the most difficult one yet. As you may have noticed I had to use my lightbox this time, I missed daylight. Check out what the other ladies created below. Thanks for reading!
He picks the polish, we make it work!
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.