Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Work Wear Wednesdays: Holiday Edition Tutorial

Late night post, but it is still Wednesday for me! I have been really worn thin with all the holiday activities! I love it all, but it just takes it out of me. I still have a ton of things I want to do this Christmas season, and I hope I can get to them all. One of which is to show you more holiday nail designs! Today's Work Wear Wednesdays post is a holiday design and a little more advanced than I have shown, but I think all of you should give it a go!

I knew I wanted to do a white and gold design, because I love the two for Christmas decor. It is slightly different from the traditional colors, which spices things up a bit. After I did the gold and white, I still felt like it needed a bit of color, so I got predictable and added red.

So, for this design I used China Glaze White On White, Ruby Pumps and an acrylic gold paint.

1. I started with a white base and added a sketched out sideways french line (smile line).
2. I filled in the area to the left of the line and started sketching out some holly leaves.
3. I added more layers of paint to make it solid and added the spikes of the holly leaves.
4. With the pointy end of an orange wood stick (or a toothpick) I dotted the red on. I did three dots between the leaves and spaced the others evenly on either side.
5. Add top coat, and that is it!

I chose to use acrylic paint for this because it is generally easier to work with, but if you prefer regular polish, that works great too! I think this look works for a professional environment because it isn't crazy and in your face. Just a little bit of cheer! Besides, people tend to give some leeway during the holidays. I hope you like this! I agonized over this one a little because I just wanted to glitter the heck out of it, but then I remembered that this is Work Wear Wednesday! I'll save the glitter for a later date. Thanks for reading. Be sure to let me know if you end up trying this design! See other great holiday designs here:

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