Today I have some simple swatches for your viewing and reading pleasure! I have two polishes from the NYC Samba Collection. I have a purple called Jacaranda Flower and a red called Carnival Red. My Rite Aid's display was pretty bare bones when I went, but I was able to pick up these two beauties and share them with you today!
First up is Jacaranda Flower (I have no idea how to pronounce that), in doing a google search this color looks like it matches beautifully to the flower after which it is named. It is a soft toned dark lilac color. I only needed two coats for these photos and the application was flawless.
At first, I thought maybe I wouldn't pick out Carnival Red, but the more I looked at it, I noticed that it is unlike the other reds in my collection. This is has a nice orange undertone, I would describe it as a tomato red. I love the way this applied as well. I used two coats and had no issues with the application.
N.Y.C. is one of my favorite inexpensive brands. The In A New York Minute line of polish is really the only line I buy, and I love their brushes. I always look forward to painting my nails with N.Y.C. The brushes are flat but not too wide. They seem to be perfect for my nails. I wish I had the whole collection to share with you, but I missed the boat on getting the whole collection when it was released. I am glad I was able to share these two with you though. I find both of the colors unique and gorgeous in their own ways. I am always happy with the application and these did not disappoint. Hope you enjoyed these colors! Let me know what you think in the comments. Thanks for reading!