Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Work Wear Wednesdays: Dry Brush French Tip

Work Wear Wednesday is back! I took a short hiatus for the holidays the last two weeks, but today I have a new look to share with you. It is a pretty simple one with no tools involved, so I think you will like it!

I used a base color of Gabriel Cosmetics Raspberry and an accent color of China Glaze Hook and Line. All you need to do is paint your base color to full opacity and let it dry. Then take your accent color and wipe off all the paint from the brush. Just wipe it off on the sides of the bottle not on a towel or anything, but make sure it is pretty dry. Then I flick the brush from the tip toward the base of the nail to create this cool brush stroke look and just cover the whole tip. It is really simple! I think it works best with a creme and a metallic, but you can try out whatever combo you like. I don't have a pictorial tutorial for you today, but I hope you get the idea. What do you think? I hope you like it! Thanks for reading.

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