Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Favorite Nail Art of 2014!

Wow, I cannot believe another year has come and gone. It seems like last new year was just here! Seriously, the years just keep getting faster and faster. It has been a really interesting year blog wise and I have a little nail art favorites to share with you! I feel like I did a lot more nail art this year, which is something I love, so I was really happy to have had a difficult time narrowing this list!

For this list, I decided to just pick one favorite nail art design from each month. It was really difficult for me to pick just one favorite from many months, but ultimately I didn't want to make this list too long! Each month heading directly links back to the original post with all of the detailed information.


I named this look French Decor because I thought it reminded me of French designs. It was my January favorite and I still love this design. I loved the squishiness of the white base. White and gold always look great together.


I still love the way this looks! It is a really simple lace-like design that is so pretty and versatile. I'm not sure if I like the base color as much as I used to, but the color combo is still one that I love.


This was a fun pastel design I did at one of my nail parties! I love getting together with friends to do nails. I really like seeing what the others come up with. This spring design was a really nice welcome for the warmer weather.


This was a copycat design I did. I really loved the design that I Dream of Lacquer created and I had to try to recreate it. I love these pastel colors together.


 This one was for a nail art challenge. I really wasn't all that excited when I got my challenge prompt, but I was so happy in the end. It really pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me think outside of the box!


This was one of my more successful tutorials, which was really exciting for me. This also stands out to me as a point in time when my blogging mentor, Jessica from Be Happy Buy Polish, really helped me out and taught me how to self promote on social media to a larger extent than I had known previously. Thanks Jessica!


I loved this neon galaxy! I really wasn't sure how it would turn out, but I was so happy with the end result! It was a little tricky getting the colors just right, but this was so fun.


This was my first water color attempt, and I was really happy about how the colors blended. I love color blending techniques, which is something new I discovered this year. This flower design is one that really stood out to me as one of my favorites.


I don't do water marbling all that often, because it is so tedious and time consuming. That being said, I worked on this one for a while before I was happy with it, and I loved these colors together. I think it was a perfect transition into fall colors.


My freehand line work got a lot better this year, and this was an example of that. It isn't perfect, but I was happy that this recreation worked.


Line work again! I actually really love plaid and so this was obviously going to make it in my nail art favorites! I love tartans and any plaid print and with a base color called Christmas Gone Plaid, I had to paint plaid over it.


Christmas nails are so fun! This ugly Christmas sweater trend has been so popular, and my design is reminiscent of that, but mine is really based off of fair isle knitting. I love the intricacies of it and how folk artsy it appears.

One thing I noticed about my blogging this past year is that I have changed my photo quality and hand poses quite a bit. I have been using the same camera, but have changed my lighting setup multiple times. I think I am finally, really, happy with the way I have my lights setup. Have you noticed the changes? Which designs are your favorites? I hope you liked this post, it is a nice way to reflect on the past year without pouring over everything I have posted. I have been really excited about two new series on the blog: Neon Week and Work Wear Wednesdays. I am making Neon Week an annual tradition, so that will be back next summer and I will be doing Work Wear Wednesdays as regularly as I can manage. Thanks for taking the time to read this and visiting my blog. I don't say it often enough, but knowing there are people out there reading my blog makes all of this worth it for me. I really appreciate every comment and like I receive. I love the interactions with you and I hope to have many more in 2015!

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