Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nail Art: Dice Inspired Tape Mani

Today's design is inspired by a picture, which was a prompt for a nail challenge given to me by a fellow NW polish addict! We have a group on Facebook and we decided to do a round robin type challenge. I have to admit, I was a little stumped when I first got my prompt for this nail challenge. The longer I thought about it, the more excited I became! Below is my prompt.

I was inspired by the dice with many edges and the speckled colors on the dice. I started my design based on that. It didn't turn out exactly as I imagined, but I really love it! I used a base of L'Oreal Tea and Crumpets, then I laid down my striping tape and sponged on Color Club Mamba, Almost Famous and Evolution. The three combined to make purples and greens, which I think turned out really interesting!

What do you think of this? I think it looks so interesting, I want to do it again! This challenge really inspired and surprised me. I was thinking that this picture was going to totally stump me and what came of it is one of my favorite manis! Hope you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading.

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