Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Nail Art: Galaxy Nails for #hepicksmypolish!

I came across a challenge called #hepicksmypolish, and I knew immediately I wanted to participate! The premise of the challenge is to have your husband/boyfriend/whoever pick out your polish for you. He picks three colors which you have to use and no others except base/top/glitter coats. My husband picked out China Glaze Black Diamond, OPI Vant to Bite My Neck and Essie First Timer. It seemed like a somewhat odd assortment until I realized that he picked them based off of our wedding colors! They aren't exactly our wedding colors, but he did pretty good picking them out.

At first I wanted to try stamping, but the purple didn't show up well over the black, then I tried a quatrefoil design, but it didn't look right with those colors together. I felt like Goldilocks when it hit me, I had the right colors to do a galaxy design! I would have used some blue or shimmery colors if I had the choice, but I think these turned out well without. What do you think? Do you every let your spouse pick your colors for you?

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