Day 2 of Neon Week! If you missed day one, you can see my
Neon Mist post here. So, today I have one of those designs that started as one thing in my head, but evolved into something else when I actually sat down to do it. I think it was a good thing in this case. I started with a base color of Orly Ablaze which is a bright sparkly orange and part of their summer Baked Collection. After that I painted a thick stripe down the middle of Color Club Warhol from their old Poptastic Collection. I think they re-launched the Poptastic Collection recently. Lastly, I used a striping brush to paint a boarder line on either side of the pink stripe and then I decided to add some chevrons (arrows). I used China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy for the stripes and chevrons and topped it all off with Glisten & Glow's topcoat HK Girl. I am really excited, because I actually did a little pictorial tutorial for you! I added it at the end of my post.

Neons are so hard to photograph! I hope this post conveys their true colors well. I really like the monochromatic look, especially when using neons with different levels of brightness! What do you think of this look? Will you be re-creating it? I've made it easy and added a little tutorial for you below, I hope you like it!
I gave some instructions above, but here they are listed out:
1. Paint the nail with base color of Orly Ablaze
2. Freehand paint a thick stripe down the middle of Color Club Warhol
3. With a striping brush, paint lines on either side of the stripe. Make sure to wait for the first stripe to dry completely before attempting to add the thin line over it.
4. I made little guide dots for myself with my striping brush, but this is not necessary.
5. Draw in diagonal lines to make chevrons
6. Add top coat and you're done!